The all-in-one,
plant-based protein.
Say goodbye to highly-processed, nutrient-poor plant-based proteins. Edonia makes the cleanest and most nutritious textured ingredient on the market, using the most sustainable protein source on the planet - microalgae.

Discover the future
of plant-based
The average plant-based meat on the market today contains up to 19 ingredients. At Edonia, we have developed an innovative technology called Edonization that turns microalgae into a clean, nutrient-packed ingredient for a new generation of plant-based products.
Our clean protein ingredient offers a meat-like texture and grilled umami flavor profile, without additives or artificial flavoring.
Helping food companies bring healthier and more affordable plant-based products to their consumers.

Low processed
& micro-algae based

& Nutrient-Rich

Soft & chewy

Umami Flavor

Redefining plant-based,
one bite at a time.
Our shift to plant-based eating is too slow to match the urgency of the climate crisis. Plant-based alternatives remain flawed, failing to fully meet our needs.
Food product developers are constantly forced to choose – between blandness and artificial flavors, between poor textures and additives, between nutritional deficiencies and synthetic supplements.
The limitations of peas and soy are becoming increasingly apparent. Consumers no longer tolerate long lists of heavily-processed ingredients.
It is time to explore more diverse sources of protein. It is time for a new generation of cleaner, multi-functional ingredients.